Stop WATER BOTTLING companies from processing while in a drought state on Earth

Its disturbing to watch states in drought stricken areas that are rationed under law to abstain from Overuse be mocked by WATER BOTTLING COMPANIES that are still processing and selling water to these Consmers. The message should be conveyed clearly in all fairness that no company should capitalize while in a dire state of emergency for ALL life that is dependant on a water source. A stAte of emergency and urgency is apparent and the support of the AMERICAN PEOPLES cóncerns of this matter not taken lightly or disregarded due to coropration funding.It is to be considered life threatening and all to be held accountable for such violatons ALL life is important!!!! Not the monetary needs of a water bottling company !!!

Atualização #18 anos atrás
We need to pass this around and get more signatures to stop NESTLE from depleting water
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