Boycott the Oprah Winfrey Network

The Canada Tar Sands are being re-branded as ETHICAL OIL through 30 second ad spots featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network.
The 30-second advertisement suggests North Americans, through the purchase of more than 400 million barrels of oil from Saudi Arabia last year, helped bankroll a state that doesn’t allow women to drive, doesn’t allow women to leave their home without a male guardian, and believes a woman’s testimony in court is only worth half as much as a man’s. “Why are we paying their bills and funding their oppression?” a woman’s voice asks viewers. 
The ads fail to mention that the Tar Sands is a environmental nightmare, seriously harms the ecosystem, increases carbon emissions into the atmosphere and is killing off the1,200 residents of the Dene population of Chipewyan and the surrounding wildlife who live downstream.  
Get on board, sign the petition and boycott OWN.
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