Urge governments to protect sharks from shark finning!

  • por: Bhavya Puri 
  • destinatário: U.S. Senate, HK Government, Singapore Government, EU MEP's. 
Recently, sharks have been under serious threat from the shark fin industry, creating an end an animal which has been on this plant for 420 million years. Every three seconds, a shark is killed. It is thought that sharks kill many humans every years, whereas they only kill 10, when a human wanders into its territory or is mistaken for prey, humans kill 73 million sharks every year. Sharks are killed for their fins, as to meet demands for shark fin soup. This practice has decimated 95 % of shark species, and one species is already extinct. It is incredibly important to save this animal from becoming endangered, as they are important to the ocean's ecosystems. 
Sign this petition to urge the U.S. Senate and the EU MEP's to sign the Shark Conservation act of 2009 (H.R. 81, S.850) and the Written Declaration. Also, urge HK and Singapore officials to cease finning.Thank you.
Dear Government Official,       An issue we currently face is that of shark finning worldwide. Shark finning is the gruesome practice of removing a captured sharks fins, no matter whether it is alive or dead, and then dump it back into to the sea whilst it suffocates. Only 15 out of 125 shark finning nations have banned or are regulating finning; US, US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Oman, Malta, Namibia, Honduras, Maldives, Philippines, Israel, Thailand, South Africa, and Brazil. On top of that, the demands for shark fins are exceeding the supply, therefore increasing the price which increases efforts made by fishers worldwide. On July 1, it will be illegal to possess, sell or distribute shark fins in Hawaii. In Palau, it is also illegal, and they also have their own sanctuary. We must close the loopholes that currently exist in shark finning nations to save the species.     In the EU, there are loopholes involving shark fins to be able to be detached from the body and travel somewhere else, and in the US there is a loophole stating that a boat can transport illegal fins as long as the sharks were not finned on that boat. We hope to clear these loopholes as to save the species. We urge EU MEP's to sign the Written Declaration before December 20th, and we urge the US Senate to act upon The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (H.R.81, S.850). On top of that, A DNA testing that took place in 2006 showed that some fins belonged to the protected species in HK, Singapore and the US. It in incredibly hard to regulate fisheries within places like HK and Singapore, and because of this many sharks are killed every day, we urge HK officials and Singaporean officials to stop this barbaric practice.        Sharks are incredibly important for the ecosystem; keeping species in check. This allows them to insure survival of species that are important for the health of the seas; coral of phytoplankton which take in carbon dioxide so there is enough air to breathe, as well as save fisheries from going out of business. Most species have declined by 95%. We must act now.       I appreciate your help. Thank you for your time and considering my request.
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