Restore Healthy Honey Bee Habitat

  • por: Anaiis Salles
  • destinatário: Rear Adm. Boris D. Lushniak, Acting Surgeon General

Pesticide manufacturers such as Bayer and Monsanto are using our supermarkets as disguised delivery systems for the toxins and poisons their products introduce into our food system. Americans are being forced to consume sub-lethal doses of multiple pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in our fruits, vegetables and grains. This is like being constantly exposed to second-hand smoke! These toxins are also killing our food system partners, honey bees and other essential pollinators. The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a Policy Paper in 2012 linking pesticides with an array of childhood illnesses ranging from neurological deficits and learning disorders to leukemia. Continued use of pesticides in our food system has brought a healthy food system to the point of collapse. Restoring healthy habitat for honey bees is the first step in restoring a healthy food system that is not based on the use of poisons to produce food. 

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