Exonerate Artem Milushkin from guilt!

  • por: Lina Kubova
  • destinatário: President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin


Ostrov town (Pscov region) Russia. A defender of strays Artem Milushkin is a suspect in" robbery. "AiF Pscov" infroms that the story has been started in the end of 2012 at the time of setting up a contract by Pscov authority and Belgorod's "Fauna+" company for trapping strays in Ostrov town. Instead, as reported by local inhabitants and volunteers of "Society Defending Animals", animals weren't caught but shot. Representatives of "Fauna+" were driving a car without any identification signs, there weren't ID badges or special uniform, they used a BB-gun and shot animals with ampoules, containing unknown stuff. Who the dogs were belong to, they weren't actually interested.
 November 22, 2012, volunteers from "Society Defending of Nimals" under the command of Artem Milushkin blocked "doghunters" acting. A few days ago the information appeared in the network services: "Two days ago Belgorod's killers "caught hell" from local volunteers - guys broke their car's glas and took away the gun and poison for dogs. Guys, who wanted just to protect poor strays, were arrested today for assault, related to " robbery".

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