Punish Jamie Labbe to the fullest extent of the law for the heinous torture of Two German Shepherds

  • por: SChilders
  • destinatário: James Ream, Rockingham County Attorney

Please sign this petition requesting that Jamie Labbe be punished to the fullest extent of the law for her cruel torture of two beautiful German Shepherds.  Labbe force fed metal objects, pipes, showerhead, etc to her boyfriend's dogs because she was angry that he spent more time with them than her.  This sick individual might do the same thing to a human baby if the father appeared to show the child more attention.  She is evil and scary.  At the time Police questioned her originally, Labbe admitted to what she had done.  Now, of course with the help of a defense attorney, she has asked that her charges be dropped or lowered because the police supposedly forced her to talk to them with out an attorney.  Nice lie Labbe and attorney.

We implore you Attorney Ream,  please ensure that this monster is put behind bars where she belongs.  She should never, ever have the right to own another pet as long as she lives.  In all honesty, she should never see the light of day again but we all know that won't happen.   

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