No rent hike!

    There continues to be no answer from my pleadings that they fix the buzz-in door opener to buzz in from the gate, and then from the first-floor door (like the way it was before they changed it). This is one on several emails about this issue:

    From: Banbury Holmes []
    Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2019 10:22 AM
    To: Diana Borromeo
    Subject: Re: 45434th#35 - work order follow up

    Hello, Diana-

    The work order request couldn't be more efficient. I put in a request, moments later maintenance came by- you can get anymore efficient than that! I appreciate the work that they do, and they are very polite.

    There is one thing however- before Mosser took over the functioning of the gate was appropriate for my needs. The medical delivery person would dial 35 at the gate, then I would press a number and buzz that person in. The front gate would open, then the delivery person would have 30 seconds to pull open the 1st floor door. To me, it doesn't make any sense to let someone in if they cannot come in the building.

    Now, just the gate opens, then I would have to go downstairs to open the 1st floor door. Since I am a home hemodialysis patient, and when I am connected to the machine there is no way for me to open the downstairs door. So, what will happen is that the delivery person would leave 40 to 50 pounds of medical supplies, and on many days I cannot lift all that upstairs to the third floor. Their job is to complete the mission by taking it to the third floor (most of the time they need the elevator on the 1st floor).

    So, if we can just switch it back to the way it was it will take an enormous pressure and stress concerning my medical deliveries.

    With much respect,
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