Hawthorne Police Department Shoots and Kills Defenseless Dog

An innocent and harmless dog was shot by the Hawthorne Police Department because the dog was simply protecting its owner. At no point in time did the dog prove to be a threat to the cops. So many cops are on this power trip when they are in possession of a gun, which is supposed to be used for emergency situations ONLY. In this case, the cop didn't even think twice before taking out his gun and shooting the dog multiple times. Not only is he a heartless and pathetic human being for killing a defenseless animal when there were less drastic measures that could have been taken, but he also put the surrounding community in danger by firing bullets in a residental neighborhood.

Everyone, please sign this petition to not only have this cop fired and his gun taken away for misuse, but to also raise awareness that cops should not use guns like they are toys. 

Below is the link to the youtube video taken. Please note this video is extremely disturbing:



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