Retire famous celebritie anymals like the elephant Tai

For all the people that loves the famous hollywood animals, this is how they train them for the movies.

The famous human hollywood stars, earn alot of money and fans for an succesfull movie, and the animals that are the main character and the hero of the movie's?? Get they what they deserve? So if we may not be able to stop this madness, at least we can ask and collect as many signatures we can, 2 ask the hollywood studio's to buy the animal's and retire them 2 an well known sanctuary or an national park where they can finnaly get what they deserve. This was also an case on the life of Keiko the famous orca from the movie FREE WILLY watch here the full story of the life of thefamous orca behind the movie:

ps. i am absolutly not just an animal rights activist that blows te whole story up, sad enough is all reality , the trainers are just good in camouflage the cruel at the movie set. That's why all the movie star's that where interviewd has not seen the cruelty,the animals are so forced dominated and broken that they been scared some of them don't know better.  ,,i know to much

Thanx alot We cannot do this with out you
Greetz Robin 

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