Rescue donkeys from being used as cheap labor in Pakistan since decades.

    A mere short trip to the market place will saden and depress any sane person at where I live.The traffic will be jam packed with donkey and horse carts carrying loads maybe five times heavier than their own weight.The owners will casually spank the animal with a hard wooden cane if the donkey is failing to pull the load fast enough.The poor animals cry out of pain in the middle of the road for being can literally see the blood scabs on their backs!These animals often suffer from dehydration and untreated sores.I once saw a little boy spanking a donkey for not being able to stand on it's feet when there was a mountain of heavy metal equiment tied on it's back,i yelled at the boy to stop beating the animal and the next thing i know,i'm being laughed at by every one around me.
    The Pakistani government needs to confescate these animals from the owners and put a ban on donkey carts and horse carts for good,pronto!
    They should be looked after in a good environment with proper care and medication.Please help these poor souls...these gruesome scenes have bothered me ever since i was a child.

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