STOP the US Forest "Service" from their plunder

  • por: Dick Artley
  • destinatário: USFS Chief Tom Tidwell

As a retired US Forest Service employee I am aware that the Forest Service was placed in the USDA because certain politicians wanted the public to equate trees on public land to wheat ... something to be "harvested" on a regular basis. In reality clearcutting destroys forest biodiversity. Tragically the Forest Service prefers clearcutting to all other silvicultural prescriptions. They do this in spite of the fact they know the general public abhors clearcutting. They are obeying their corporate masters and are systematically creating private industrial tree farm conditions in our forests. Incredibly, only 3.8% of the lumber and pulp used domestically comes from national forests. If enough people speak out against clearcutting our national forests, Chief Tidwell might reconsider. The kids born in 50 years when the US population is 450 million will appreciate us saving this precious legacy.

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