Demand that the Navy Stop Deadly testing off our Coastlines that Endangers Marine Life

I really think that the Navy with all it's ingenuity could find alternative training methods that would still meet their training goals, save lives and not endanger marine wildlife.

Dear United States Navy, Rear Adm. Kevin Slates:

After reading a recent article posted on Yahoo News
( about the Navy's current policies on offshore testing  and training I highly belive that the United States Navy has enough ingenuity to design and implement alternative testing and training methods without endangering marine mammals and wildlife.

The foundings of your own study on the effects of marine mammals and wildlife provides ample evidence that alternative methods of testing and training should be developed and implemented to ensure the safety of marine mammals and wildlife while also promoting the saftey of your sailors and the coastlines they are protecting.  

I believe that the United States Navy can still test and train it's personnel, provide them with ample real-life conditions and meet and exceed it's goals without detonating missles, testing sonar, and navigate the seas safely without endangering the lives and livelihood of marine mammals and wildlife.

Your time and consideration on this very important matter is greatly appreciated.  Thank you for listening and thank you for taking the necessary actions and precautions to protect our coastlines, our Nation, marine mammals and wildlife and people around the globe. 


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