SPCA: Stop euthanizing pit bulls without giving them a chance at life!

  • por: Kelly Rogers
  • destinatário: SPCA (Washington County SPCA)



To my loyal supporters! I NEED YOUR HELP! The Washington County SPCA has been receiving a lot of calls and emails from fellow pittie lovers questioning their pit bull policy of unjust euthanasia! This is wonderful, and we must have a continuing flow of calls and emails to pressure them into abolishing this policy to save our pit bull friends! They are open Tuesdays-Friday 10am to 6pm, and Saturday 10am to 4pm, phone number 918 336 1577, email info@wcspca.org, address 16620 Statw Hwy 123, Bartlesville, OK 74003. They also have a Facebook page! I've tried posting the State Law that specifies BSL is illegal in Oklahoma, only to have them remove it. Please keep them thinking about this issue so they know it needs to change! CALL, EMAIL, FACEBOOK, WRITE, VISIT THEM! Even if you are nowhere near Washington County, let them know the world doesn't agree with their bias policy!!


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