Demand the end of abuse to vulnerable elderly conservatives, probate reform

    My aunt is a victim of being held captive against her will by the probate Court, public guardian, County council and public defender. My aunt is 87 years old and was a victim financial and physical abuse by a distant cousin. I filed a petition in probate Court to get my aunt out of her home which it worked but now they're holding her captive and working with the abuser who has history of abusing elderly and disabled. This is happening across the United States where elderly people are being held by the probate Court and allowed to be conserved by the public guardian so that their assets and their many eventually will go to them. They do not carry out the wishes of the elderly person. When there is family that is qualified to take them so that they could live out the rest of their lives they blackballed them if you voice Justice for that person. Justice would be in the way of freedom to live with their families that are qualified, if you own property with them if you don't sell it they will blackball you, the government system is about power control they do not collaborate and they use the court system to hide behind their illegal activity and keep an elderly people in homes that they do not want to be in when they want to be with family they have no voice once the probate court gets a hold of them.
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