Ask China to Free Political Prisoners!

  • por: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatário: China's Ministry of Public Security

Chinese police are thought to be yanking people off the streets and holding them against their will. Two critics of China's government, Lee Bo and Gui Minhai, are known to have disappeared from Hong Kong and reappeared in China. Their crime? They work for a publishing company that calls out China's communist leaders for their misdeeds. Minhai has appeared on a Chinese propaganda station looking stressed out, and his daughter believes he has been abducted and held against his will. Please join me in asking China's Ministry of Public Security to release Lee Bo and Gui Minhai.

To China's Ministry of Public Security:

I was outraged to learn that two critics of China's government have allegedly been abducted and are being held prisoner. It appears that officials in your country have kidnapped Lee Bo and Gui Minhai. Minhai has now been seen on television confessing to a misdemeanor that is ten years old. It seems highly unlikely that he voluntarily gave this interview. To yank people off the streets of Hong Kong, separating them from their friends and family is a terrible violation of the most basic human rights. Please release Lee Bo and Gui Minhai.

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