Crónicas De Sábado by Univision Television

  • por: Trish Q
  • destinatário: Maria Antonieta or Anthony Raman
This station has made an unauthorized television show about the tragedy at Pulse on 6/12/16, which not only is based loosely on the truth but is clearly fiction inany ways and is only causing pain for the survivors and loved ones of our lost 49 Angels. Tell them enough is enough. Boycott this show, call the station and tell them we will not support them getting rich off of others' pain and will not allow them to make up events and stories that never happened. Let the families and survivors heal.
If you are not doing something to help our community and support those affected by 6/12/16, you are only causing more pain and we, as a community, gay and straight will stand together and fight against your hate, your propaganda and your greed

Contact them now: Direct Line: (407) 774-2626 ext 301
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