Demand the Maximum Punishment in Dog Abandonment Case

  • por: Kim Bebee
  • destinatário: Columbia County Wisconsin Circuit Court Case Judge, DA, etc.

I believe one way to make people think twice about abusing their animals is to be given the maximum punishment for commiting abuse, while trying to increase the punishment for crimes to animals. Please help me on my quest to make changes!

Misty, a black lab, was left abandoned at the French Creek Wildlife Area, in a DNR parking lot and found by hunters on Thursday, January 21. She was taken to the Columbia County Humane Society and the doctor scored the black lab's body condition as a 1 out of 9. She had a very large mammary tumor and needed immediate attention to head injuries. The dog needed 19 staples to close her head wounds. CCHS said the dog is on antibiotics and pain medication.

Misty's owner, Terri Lynn Benson, 56, from the village of Pardeeville, turned herself in after all the media coverage after Misty was found.

The original story can be found here:

Misty was left to die in a bag that she couldn't escape. It was a miracle that she was found in time. Please join me to request Misty's abuser receives the maximum penalty allowed for her crime.

UPDATE: Here is a link to a post with three of the young men that found Misty and got her the help she needed. Big props to all of them! 

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