Support Renewable Energy in Alaska!

Alaska is already feeling the effects of global warming. The state's lakes are shrinking, and caribou, wolves, and bears are threatened by the disappearance of lichen--one of the caribou's main food sources. If any state needs to heed the warnings of science and invest in clean energy, it's Alaska.

So why is the state now slashing its renewable energy programs? Because of a $4.1 billion budget deficit, both the Renewable Energy Fund and Emerging Energy Technology Fund are on the chopping block. This could seriously slow down the growth of wind energy and hydropower, both of which have proven to be very successful.

Please join me in asking Alaska's state legislature not to withdraw funding from the Renewable Energy Fund and Emerging Energy Technology Fund.

Dear Legislature Members:

It surpasses my understanding that you would even consider axing your renewable energy initiatives. Alaska has everything to gain and nothing to lose from growing its wind and hydropower industries. It cannot be lost on you that Alaska is already feeling the effects of global warming: loss of lichen and a declining caribou population. If your permafrost melts, your roads and airports will be disaster areas, and transportation will come to a halt. It has never been more important to invest in renewable energy that does not contribute to global warming. Please don't balance your budget in this short sighted way. Do not withdraw funding from the Renewable Energy Fund and Emerging Energy Technology Fund.

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