Demand Justice for Starved Miniature Horses in Florida

Pamela Belo, a veteran Deputy with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, was charged with felony and misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty after she surrendered four miniature horses on July 3, 2012. Two of the horses had been deprived of food and nourishment for the past year. One horse was described as "a skeleton with a head."

As she was a law enforcement officer, sworn to protect and serve, this neglect is shocking. We demand that she be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Pamela Belo, a veteran Deputy with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, was charged with felony and misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty after she surrendered four miniature horses on July 3, 2012. Two of the horses had been deprived of food and nourishment for the past year.

For 365 days or more, these animals did not receive adequate food, water or shelter. Warrior, a horse who could not be helped and who eventually died from the starvation, had hooves 4 inches longer than they should have been, making it nearly impossible for him to stand. Warrior was described as “a skeleton with a head.”

The suffering these horses endured is intolerable and inexcusable.

This petition is a demand for justice for the weeks and months of abuse inflicted upon those horses. We insist that Pamela Belo should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It’s unthinkable that someone could treat a living thing in the way she treated those horses, walking past them every day for a year as they starved.

Belo’s lack of regard for life is shocking. As she was a law enforcement officer, sworn to protect and serve, it is doubly shocking.

We, the undersigned, demand that she should not go unpunished.

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