Impeach President Donald Trump Now!

    I'm tired of the racism sky rocketing that has occurred by Donald Trump. All lives matter, and anyone is welcome to the USA! We need to treat everyone equally. I'm tired of the lies, fraud and scams of Donald Trump just to get his way. We all know his sickening background, wether it's with women, race, animals etc. If we need more exposure than let's do it. I mean everything from videos, messages, emails, businesses, friends and family, associates etc. Jail time should be served as well, even if it's his wife, ex-wifes and kids! I want him exposed and the truth to come out. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! He has no knowledge of much what so ever, he is just a celebrity with BS business tatics to get paid. We suffered enough in the past, time is about progressing not going back into time where white supremacy was at high. The land of the free and the home of the brave, not the land of the whites and home of the KKK!! He has no real knowledge about war, military, police, ethnicity, cultures etc! Is coming to a point where a racial war is going to happen and it going to be everyone against whites and they will not win. NOW I don't care about what happened 1,000 years ago, it's done let's not bring it back, and racism, power abuse, knowledge abuse, and race abuse needs to STOP NOW! That means no more police brutality, no more brutaliating the police, no more blacks against whites, no more whites against blacks, no more anybody against anybody for either, race, religion, gender etc! Power shall not be abused at all, we shall teach, protect and grow!! Cannibus shall be legal in the USA all over!! Women shall have every right a man has. Minimum wage is for everyone not just American citizens! Everyone shall make enough to live, eat, and sleep comfortably. No one should starve or have to live in the streets. Equality is equality, fair is fair! I want him and everyone in office who supports him and his campaign. I want them background checked and if criminal background is there than encarceration and those who had it hidden as well. Everything that he has done to everyone he's come across in his lifetime that was cruel shall be punished for, I mean everything from him to his family to his businesses to his whole campaign officials ( those that where part of his election not every single Republican ) I don't care if it was somebody in Russia who is 15 years old or 100 years old I don't care it's time to pay the Piper like everyone else does for criminal activity. I don't care if you have 100 billion dollars to negative 100 billion dollars, everyone created equal, everyone treated equal. He's gone too far and has done enough damage now goodbye to you and your whole campaign and to prison you all shall go! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! He's committed way more than enough crimes x 2. Let's unite and end this madness people of all colors, shapes, sizes and gender! Let's unite let's stand together once and for all, please!
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