I demand better active quicker housing for us homeless and unfortunate

Well pregnant and women, period there is no reason why we can't use one or three of these house abandoned that r anusence to neighbors that need cleaned up anyway, females on the street get stuck because they feel they aren't clean enpught make a woman not be okay and devolope fobias .and takes there potential right down . We need places to be able to be with our owner beds or rules and not feel like we are having to do things that we don't want to do. Or be expected to pay back in dismannered ways . Because I for one stay out side in Cole at night because I couldn't degrade my self but others feel like they have no other choice . When we should be able to wake up normal eat drink coffee and shower and get workjobs want to go to parks . And the funding would be a voulinteer to pay your way by buetifing foundation. And ran by no one only a qualifying application of background and goals for there future r of three thing .s
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