Save Millions of Cats and Dogs

This is your chance to persuade the AVMA Animal Welfare Committee to take a giant step toward reducing pet overpopulation and shelter euthanasia. The Welfare Committee is meeting this October and they have a lot of issues to discuss.


One of the most pressing issues for companion animals is population control. Did you know that 75% of the kittens born are to mothers who will then be sterilized? You know that this excess population doesn’t have a good future.  Cats who end up in the shelter system face 9 in 10 odds of never making it out alive.


Marian’s Dream, with the generous support of the Petco Foundation, launched ”Beat the Heat” two years ago.  “Beat the Heat” urges spay/neuter by the time the cat or dog is 5 months old - before the first heat.


Chase’s List has already named February as official “Beat the Heat” month. Let’s ask the AVMA to do the same.  Thank you for your help.

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