Help enforce tougher animal rights laws!

  • por: Kelsey Valois
  • destinatário: Adults, mayors, schools and other people who are responsible for their kids behavior.

A few months ago, I found myself  in a heated argument with this mean little teenager and her sisters.
This teen told me she was going to dissect a wild crawdad because she WAS ABLE TOTORTURE THE ANIMAL.
I almost saved the crawdad. I was trying to find a way to transport it to a neaby pond when she told me she was going to step on it. I yelled and told her the crawdad had feelings too.She actually stepped on it -while it was in my hands- and it bled its intestines out! I couldnt watch as they grabbed it by the claws and carried it away, dropping it all the while. And the most sickening part? Her sisters where 9 and 5.
Another group of kids I encountered where chasing feeding geese in a public park with sharp sticks. A public park. LOTS of other kids. Could some sick parent just lets their kids torture geese? Luckily, I was able to stop this one.
I think adults need to be a tad bit tougher with their kids on how to treat animals humanely. 

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