Tell Idaho to Stop the Wolf Hunts

This isn't about management it's about money, pleasure and ignorance. Wolves are extremely essential to our ecosystem. The means being used to eliminate wolves is inhumane and unjustified. Please tell Governor Otter that we can coexist with wolves just as we do with other species. Stop the Wolf Hunts.

Atualização #28 anos atrás
Wow! This is great. From 2300 the other day to 2813! Thank you to everyone who has signed so far. I would like to give this petition to Governor Otter in September 2015. Will you please help reach the goal of 10,000 and continue to share. Wolf hunts are scheduled to start again in the fall. Thank you!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
We still have a ways to go on this petition. Please help spread this petition around. 1470 so far! Wolves are being killed in Idaho and another hunt is planned for fall. Please help get this out and let's stop the wolf hunts in Idaho. Thank you!
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