The Only Solution To Police Shootings

In my hometown of memphis Tn i notice that there are to kinds of policeman .You have the easy going officers who wants to just make it through the day with no incidents this type of officer is usually black and then you have the type of officer who clocks in to work amped up looking for action this kind of officer is normally white. So what happens when you take an officer full of nervous energy that happens to be white and let him patrol a neighborhood of black people.a officer who never lived in the neighborhood he patrols a officer who never grew up with black people nor has any black friends a officer who's only interaction with black people is when he's pulling them over or harassing them on the what happens in these situations you already know The shooting of unarmed black men and police brutality. now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that black offices don't brutalize or people but they're not as quick to shoot us for pulling out our wallets. So for me the solution is simple black officers for black neighborhoods. So if that white officer wants to go to work amped up and looking for the action let him do it among his own people. Lets get as many people as possible to sign this petition so it can be presented to Congress and signed as a Bill. Now I know what your thinking "does this fool think that in a racist system such as this he is really going to get Congress to even consider a bill like this" I don't know but I do know sitting back doing nothing has certainly not been the answer. With enough signatures anything is possible because a Congressman Will look at all the signatures and see votes for his next election any congressman who does not see this as a problem that needs to be fixed should not be in Congress and should be voted out. So if you're tired of seeing your black fathers mothers sons and daughters being beat and killed sign this petition. The only solution

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