Allow Golf Courses in Florida to Remain OPEN

    The office of the Governor has determined the business of golf is considered a non-essential, . All courses in the state of Florida were directed to close operations on April 4, 2020.

    This is a petition to change that ruling and allow golf courses in the state of Florida to remain open with proper precautions (recommended list below). We want people to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. If you head outside to take a walk or go for a run or go to the grocery store, please continue practicing social distancing." The signers of this petition feel that if residents of the state are allowed out for a walk or run, participating in golf should also be allowed.

    The COVID-19 crisis is not one to take lightly and all should play their part in ensuring the disease ceases to spread and we flatten the curve.

    With that being said, tens of thousands of Florida residents actively golf and do so as a means for exercise and mental health. Golf is a sport played outdoors and has a natural element of social distancing (players are rarely within 6 feet of each other). This petition calls for all golf courses to remain open with the following recommendations for increased safety:

    One person golf carts are to be used unless extenuating circumstances

    All transactions done by credit card (no cash exchanges)

    No players will touch or remove flag sticks from any hole

    Remove all bunker rakes from course

    Tee times spaced out so that there is a minimum of 15 minutes between groups

    Players will not physically touch with one another as is customary to the sport (pre and post round handshakes)

    Life does not have to come to a complete standstill. We need people to stay healthy, both
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