Saving Grace: A New Jersey deer with an arrow in her face

  • por: P HoImes
  • destinatário: David Chanda (Director of NJ Fish and WildIife), Mayor Hornik and NJ Governor Chris Christie

Grace is a doe in the Marlboro area of New Jersey who has had an arrow lodged in her face since at last November 2014.

Can you imagine, an arrow stuck in your face for almost a year and there is nothing you can do about it? Amazingly, she is still in seemingly good health, despite the obvious threat and hinderance of having a foot long arrow shaft sticking out of her face.

NJ Fish and Wildlife has attempted to tranquilize/help her last November but failed. Further attempts did not happen as they suspected Grace was pregnant. Since then, Grace has had her baby and is a great mum. This petition is to make sure that NJ Fish and Wildlife follow through their promise to help Grace as soon as practical.  Let's make sure they do not forget about her!

Additionally, neighbors in the area of Marlboro that Grace and her herd frequents would like to make sure this never happens again, and create a no-hunting zone throughout their habitat.

Grace does not have a voice and is not able to take herself to the doctor. Together, we can be her voice and make sure she gets the help she needs, and is able to live happily with her herd into the future.

UPDATE: WAS INFORMED BY DFW just now, that arrow shaft is removed and Grace ran back to her fawn when she regained consciousness. thanks so much everyone so much. I am over the moon. Going to emaiMayor Hornik to make it a no hunting zone!


Please take immediate action to sedate, capture and treat Grace, the doe with an arrow lodged in her head. As the state wildlife managers, it is up to you to ensure her prompt treatment. Additionally, please listen to the concerns of neighbors in the Marlboro area, and make Grace's home range a no-hunting zone, so that when she is released, she can continue to live in peace with her herd.

Atualização #38 anos atrás
I have contacted Mayor Hornik's office numerous time to find out his decision regarding making the area Grace and her herd frequent a no hunting zone. I have yet to hear back from him. I will continue to press him on this matter. Please continue to sign and share. thank you!
Atualização #29 anos atrás

Media across the country wrote about Grace.

Thanks so much for your support. Please keep signatures coming. We want her home area to be a no-hunting zone!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
This afternoon I emailed the Director of Fish and Wildlife, Mr Chanda and Marlboro's Mayor to inform them that there is currently a petition for Grace.

I also spoke with Sharkonline this evening and was informed that DFW will make an attempt either this Thursday or Friday to dart and tranquilize Grace. Then they will attempt to saw off the arrow shaft on site, to minimize stress.

Please continue to share this petition. Thanks so much for your generous support.

P Holmes

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