• por: Rita Claessens
  • destinatário: The government of India- Prime Minister Narendra Modi

We need to STOP usage of Animal Icons / Logos that pictures them ridiculously on Stamps or Logos or International Athletic meets. Animals live better off without playing the games humans play! Animals who are considered, National treasure should be accorded respect not ridiculed like most of the logos does Ex: Asian Games 1982 where Elephant is shown standing on one leg and all hell real Elephants from Kerala went through while they were shifted to Delhi for the event.

Worldwide numerous animal advocates are involved in fight for animal welfare. But the change in mind-set should happen within, in our souls. To inculcate the habits right from childhood to be compassionate and caring towards animals.

It is time to evolve as humans, as a society, change the perception of how we look at animals and treat them well. The exploitation of animals, for our pleasure or greed should NOT form the precinct of our soul.

We must give them the dignity they deserve, instead of ridiculing them as mere objects of pleasure. By viewing them respectfully, we will acknowledge them their right to live with respect on this Planet Earth.

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