Petition to investigate, punish and stop illegal, cruel bull-fighting or Dhirio in Goa India

Bullfights are called Dhirio in Goa in which specially reared and trained bulls/buffaloes are made to
fight and gore each other to submission and often, death. In spite of being made illegal and banned by a
1996 High Court judgement, which then further upheld by the Supreme Court of India, this cruel and
painful “entertainment” is unfortunately still held at many places in Goa, often clandestinely, but with
support of local leaders and associations – The ruling political party in goa, BJP's official stance not
withstanding, powerful local politicans lobby for bull fighting in the name of “tradition”. In reality, of
course, this is nothing more than a ground for human profit and greed, which in turn harms the

Please help to end this barbaric practice.

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