Cleaner Schools in the Oceanside Unified School District.

So, we have all known about the environmental issues that have plagued our planet for about a century now. From water pollution to climate change. However by signing this petition you are making the popular vacation city of Oceanside, California a lot cleaner. How? you may ask. It will help make the schools in the Oceanside Unified School District do more environmentally-friendly practices.
First of all, they should replace the the paper towels with hand dryers. This will reduce the number of trees that need to be cut down, allowing for more areas of forestland, and other natural areas where tree farms could be.
Second, they should install solar panels to power the Schools. Climate change is one of the worst environmental problems of our modern society. It causes things like coral bleaching, Ice melting in the Arctic, e.t.c. Schools use a lot of electricity. If they added solar panels to the schools, that would be a cleaner way to power all that electricity.
Finally, they should plant more drought-tolerant plants at the schools. California has been in a pretty bad drought in the last few years. It has caused concerns with water supply. If schools planted more drought-tolerant plants, they would need less water to water them, meaning more water supply for the more important things like drinking water.

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