Blood Fiestas are celebrations centered around animal cruelty. Blood Fiestas take place in many villages throughout Spain each year. They mainly use cattle including bulls, cows and calves from bullfighting herds. A cow, calf or bull used in a blood fiesta can die from stabbing, strangulation, spearing, and multiple injuries. It can be thrown down from a height, deliberately and repeatedly knocked down by a car or tractor, or drowned. Before it dies it can suffer rape by sticks or metal spikes, live castration, have burning oil poured on it, have its horns, tails and ears ripped off, be blinded or burned. At least ten thousand but up to 20 thousand or more Blood Fiestas take place.

These blood fiestas are perfectly legal because they are considered bullfighting. In the case of Spain, Bullfighting and Blood Fiestas are promoted and regulated under their National Bullfighting Law. Please sign this petition to abolish this law and save thousands of animals from suffering.

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