Save Pepy's Galley and Phil Yoakum's Bowling Supply located at the Mar Vista Bowling Alley!!!

  • por: MNN
  • destinatário: Bowlmor/AMF

Pepy's Galley diner and Phil Yoakums Bowling supply have enjoyed 40 plus years of time at the Mar Vista Bowling Alley. Now, both businesses have been given 30 days notice to vacate. June 30th, 2014 is their last day of business unless we can stop it.

There are thousands of supporters that do not want to see these legendary small business owners have to come to shutter their businesses. Employees will be out of work and a place for local, discounted family fun will no longer be a staple in the community as it has been for decades.

Bowlmor/AMF plans to demolish the area where Pepy's and Phil's is currently to make way for their new lanes which will consist of in house food, no bowling supply and will not allow for a public diner.

We must petition quickly, in a civilized manner (so as not to cause backlash to Pepy and Phil), to make our voices be heard. We must stop this transformation from taking place and save Pepy's and Phil's livelihood!

Please go to Facebook at "Save Pepy's at Mar Vista Bowling Alley" for the latest developments, rally times, etc. Thank you!

Atualização #110 anos atrás
The petition is once again open. I did not realize it had closed. Please share it around, gather more signatures. The numbers we get on here can be very powerful to what we are working on. Thanks so much to everyone who has been supportive in helping us come together to Save Pepys and Phils. Lets keep it going!! :)
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