Demand new ID photos in Palm Beach Lakes Highschool!

This year a law was passed in Florida stating students and staff alike had to wear their ID photos around their necks in order to get access into the school. This is of course a reasonable law! However, isn't it a but unfair that only Freshman are allowed to have new ID photos taken with fancy cameras and backdrops while sophomore, Junior, and Senior students are forced to wear the mug shot ID photos from our individual freshman years? Those photos have been acknowledged as the worst school photos ever taken, and it's completely unfair that we are not allowed to have new pictures taken. It is a costly and time consuming process, but its well worth it. If they had taken the time to get fancy cameras for us the first time around, perhaps we would not even have to make a petition.

You will not get in trouble for signing this petition! It is within the first amendment that all should have the freedom of petition, and petition we shall. It is against the law for the school to punish us for acting on our rights!!!

Here's a compromise for both sides: Since the ID photos are expensive to have taken, maybe us students can pay a little extra for ID photos or help raise money for new ones.

***Only sign if you are a student or parent of a student who attends Palm Beach Lakes Highschool in West Palm Beach, FL***

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