Stop Gold Mining in an Ancient Forested Area in Chalkidiki

In the area of Skouries an environmental crime of immeasurable cruelty is taking place.

An ancient forest and unique ecosystem in Chalkidiki, the birthplace of Aristotle, is now being destroyed with the blessing of the Greek Government.

The local residents have been bullied and harassed by the police, when they tried to get their voice heard.

A unique ecosystem will be destroyed unless we all act now.

Please vote against the brutal destruction of a miracle of nature.

Dear Prime Minister,

We are voting against the destruction of the ancient forrests of Chalkidiki by Gold Mining.

The real goldmine of the area is its natural beauty.

Please allow the local residents to flourish and the profits will be 100 times more than those promised by the goldmining company.

The land belongs to the local people, please listen to their plea.

Thank you for listening.


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