Create Safe Travel for Avenue 12 Commuters through Madera Ranchos

WE, the undersigned residents of Madera Ranchos, STATE OR BELIEVE:
Avenue 12 is presently heavily impacted by an upswing in traffic utilizing Avenue 12 East and West. Madera residents believe that this onslaught of increased traffic will become greater with the proposed establishment of a hospital on the Northeast corner of 41 and Avenue 12. Recently, there were two fatalities on 12 which was instrumental in bringing the traffic problems in this area to the forefront. Who knows how many other accidents have, or will occur? Area residents complain of non-stop traffic on Avenue 12, with long wait times when attempting to turn onto this impacted street. People are tailgating, passing on the shoulder, ignoring speed limits, not using turn signals, and utilizing the center left turn/right turn lane to pass vehicles in the area of Madera Ranchos.
Below are some recommendations made by the Rancho Residents to solve these problems:
1. Build the access crossover ramp from Freeway 41 to freeway 99 which was planned years ago, or
2. Create a round-about in strategic areas on 12, or
3. Place signals at strategic areas such as roads 35, 36 ½, 37 or 38 on avenue12 to slow down traffic thru the business area, or
4. Build speed bumps and/or reduce speed to 25 MPH
The Madera Rancho residents bring this petition to the Board of Supervisors in order to create safety and convenience to all travelers on Avenue 12.

Atualização #55 anos atrás
Supervisor Brett Frazer's Chief of Staff, Melisa DaSilva, asked me if I could provide their office with e-mail addresses of the Petition signers. She will keep all addresses private, as will I. Addresses will be used to send you important information regarding upcoming meetings, etc. Send addresses to me, Valjean Jury at I will forward a compiled list to Melisa. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.

Atualização #45 anos atrás
RE: Ranchos Petition for Safe Travel
Thank you for signing our Petition. We appreciate your support. Please help us again at a Board of Supervisors Meeting on July 9, in the Madera Ranchos Middle School 12455 Road 35 ½ at 5:00 What could be better than a Board of Supervisor’s Meeting at a convenient time and place?.
We implore you to join us and voice your concerns in support of this Petition.
Please email me with your name and response of yes or no.


Atualização #35 anos atrás
Supervisor Brett Frazer's Chief of Staff, Melisa DaSilva, asked me if I could provide their office with e-mail addresses of the Petition signers. She will keep all addresses private, as will I. Addresses will be used to send you important information regarding upcoming meetings, etc. Send addresses to me, Valjean Jury at I will forward a compiled list to Melisa. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Atualização #25 anos atrás
We had an opportunity to speak with the Madera Board of Supervisors and the Transportation Commission about our Petition. We still need to do more. A chat site has been opened on Facebook to share ideas about how to move ahead. Please join us on FB at "Madera Ranchos Petition for Safe Travel" Thanks.
Atualização #15 anos atrás
Board of Supervisor's meeting (FINAL) Slight time change
Everything is good. Supervisors will be in closed session from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. You can arrive anytime between 9:00 and 10:00 am. Public session slated to begin between 10:00 and 10:30. I think I'll plan to get there around 9:30.
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