Demand Nissan Stops advertising Animal Cruelty!

As we watch car advertisements, it seems they all run on the same theme for 2014 - Animal Abuse. Cadillac hosted a commercial where it showed abused elephants & carriages to advertise their car. Nissan, however, took it a step further..

They chose to use "Running of the Bulls" for their advertisement. This is a common event in Spain where bulls are literally stampeding for their life until they're herded to the arena to die a slow & painful death by a Matador for "sport". 

Please sign and let Nissan know that not only is this WRONG but we won't buy their 2014 Nissan Rogue. It's not "Innovation that Excites", it's murder.

Dear Nissan, 

Please remove your "Bull Chase" ad for the 2014 Nissan Rogue. This ad represents "The Running of the Bulls" a cruel "sport" in which bulls are scared to run for their lives to the arena where they will then die a slow and painful death for entertainment. Do not promote this cruelty for an ad for your care. 

We urge you to find another way to represent your car in a cruelty-free trend. Animal Cruelty is not "Innovation that Excites", it's murder. 


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