Stop Horse Slaughter Factory in Missouri

Unified Equine, a company from Wyoming said they vow to build horse slaughter plant in Rockville, southwest Missouri in Bates county. The company has said the plant could eventually process up to 200 horses a day in a single shift.


Sue Wallis, a Wyoming legislator who is chief executive officer of Unified Equine, said to the opposition "Discussion's over. Make all the noise you want. We're going into business." Wallis created the company last November after Congress approved a bill allowing for horse meat plants.


Protestors believe the plant would be bad for their horse companions and community and that horse slaughtering plant would ruin the Ozarks' way of life. Opponents contend the plant would bring pollution and crime to the region, as well as a stigma for slaughtering horses.


Tell Governor Jay Nixon to listen to the people of Missouri who are not ready to start slaughtering horses for human consumption. Say NO to Unified Equine.


Office of Governor Jay Nixon
P.O. Box 720
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-3222


Unified Equine, a company from Wyoming said they vow to build horse slaughter plant in Rockville, southwest Missouri in Bates county. The company has said the plant could eventually process up to 200 horses a day in a single shift.


Sue Wallis, a Wyoming legislator who is chief executive officer of Unified Equine, said to the opposition "Discussion's over. Make all the noise you want. We're going into business." Wallis created the company last November after Congress approved a bill allowing for horse meat plants.


Protestors believe the plant would be bad for their horse companions and community and that horse slaughtering plant would ruin the Ozarks' way of life. Opponents contend the plant would bring pollution and crime to the region, as well as a stigma for slaughtering horses.


Tell Governor Jay Nixon to listen to the people of Missouri who are not ready to start slaughtering horses for human consumption. Say NO to Unified Equine.

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