UK Doctors Double Standards!

Jeremy Hunt slams NHS double standards claiming that he has not met a single Doctor who would be happy to let a family member be admitted to an NHS hospital at the weekend
I am a GP in Dorset and whatever problems and demands the medical profession is currently facing in the UK I disagree with this flagrant sensationalism.
I do have family who have been admitted to a UK hospital at the weekend. I was more than satisfied with the care they received.
If you are a UK Doctor who would be willing and "happy" for a family member to be admitted to an NHS hospital at the weekend perhaps you would be kind enough to sign this petition with your job position and forward it to colleagues

08:00 17/7/15. Thankyou-Nearly 500 signatures

If you have time in your busy schedules to add any comments regarding the press release they will be forwarded to the BMA Press Office later.

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