Get Estancia's Pool, Now!

Annie M. started this petition to call the Newport-Mesa Unified School District to refill Estancia High School's pool before the 2018 swim season after high construction bids delayed groundbreaking on a new aquatic center. Please sign and share to make sure the pool is refilled for students to use ASAP! 


Estancia high schools aquatic program was on the rise with boys waterpolo reaching CIF, girls waterpolo going to quarterfinals in CIF and a CIF qualified relay team for the co-ed swim team. With all this progress the Newport Mesa Unified School District decided to start a new 50 meter pool project. Unfortunately they drained the existing 25 meter pool before bids were completed on the 50 meter pool. The bids were as the NMUSD says "Too far over budget for the same amount of pool"

Without any hard dates or commitment we a community are attempting to fill our existing 25 meter pool as soon as possible or for the 2018 Co-Ed swim season. 

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