Demand an End to the program "iamacelebritygetmeoutofhere"

This program is literally very disgusting, if you type "iamacelebritygetmeoutofhere" on Youtube and watch one of its videos, then you probably be disgusted also. So basically, this program will invite recognizable celebrities and ask those celebrities to do extreme tasks like eating an alive spider, so eating a fish eye and many other disgusting dares that even I don't want to say.

But these animals are not made to be a part of an entertainment! They should die in a natural way, not in a human stomach when actually they don't even need to be eaten! And that's not fair to the animals that have to chop off some of their body parts and die just for some entertainment!
Sign this petition to stop this animal abuse crisis RIGHT NOW!

Click on to the Image section of the petiton to see a video of IAACGMOOH!

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