Protect puppy welfare - close seller loopholes

  • por: Frances D
  • destinatário: The UK government

The government is planning to ban the sale of puppies by pet shops and other third party dealers. This could be great news for the wellbeing of vulnerable puppies and their mums.

But there's a hidden risk. 

The Dogs Trust and Blue Cross have warned that the ban could create an illegal market, with puppy farmers able to exploit loopholes to pose as unregulated "sanctuaries" and rehoming centres. Government environmental agency Defra agreed with these concerns.

Luckily, there is a solution. We need to strengthen the inspection and licensing of breeding and sales, so that local authorities are aware of everyone involved in the trade. 

Paula Boyden, veterinary director at The Dogs Trust, says this will help make the ban a success: '"The Government must tackle these loopholes now, so we can be confident a ban will be the success we all want to see."

Please sign this petition to demand that the government strengthen licensing and inspection of dog sales and rehoming before the end of 2018.

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