Striking Writers Need Your Help

  • por: Care2
  • destinatário: Network Executives
Writers are the creative minds behind the shows and movies we all love to watch. But 12,000 entertainment writers have been on strike since early November.

More and more TV shows are going to go off the air because of the stinginess of the studios.

Writers want fair compensation when their content is streamed on the Internet by the networks. Right now, writers get nothing for this work - even if it's written exclusively for online audiences - and the studios want to keep it that way.

It's estimated that the companies will bring in a whopping $4.6 billion over the next three years through the Internet - and they don't want to give the writers a penny.

Send a message to Hollywood executives: It's time to treat your writers fairly!

Dear [Decision Maker],

As a television fan, and someone who cares about how a company treats its workers, I urge to you please return to the negotiating table with the Writers Guild of America to address their fair and reasonable contract demands.

Writers are the creative minds that power the entertainment industry. Their work provides the foundation for the content produced by your company and they should be compensated fairly for the work they do. I was disappointed and ashamed to learn that these writers aren't paid a dime for their work on webisodes. The entertainment industry should embrace new media, but not on the backs of its writers.

Please return to the bargaining table and resolve this strike. Treat your writers with the respect they deserve. I support the writers and will stand in solidarity with them until they get a fair deal.

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