More than half of the children in the world are not meeting minimum proficiency skills.
Specifically, in Cambodia, by the age of 17, 55% of students will have dropped out of school.
As citizens of developed countries, we manage to go to school every day even though sleep may be satisfying at times.

So what? Why do I care so much about education?
Education first lit a fire in me, when I visited Cambodia for a school project. For two weeks, I taught basic English in an elementary school (the Tokyo Inspired School) in Siem Riep and noticed the educational discrepancies between developed and developing nations. There was a lack of books, desks, classrooms, and teachers. The children were so eager to learn. Yet, they weren't provided with the proper environment. Since then, I have been awarded in many essay competitions, such as the UN Japan essay competition, and the Sustainable Water essay comp.
I've created a website, FECAE (For every child, an education), to raise awareness and aim for quality education in all nations (especially in Cambodia and Japan).

By signing this petition, you are making a pledge to support children of low-income communities and never take education for granted.

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