SeaWorld: Don’t Imprison Dolphins and Whales in New Asian Theme Parks!

  • por: Julie S.
  • destinatário: Joel Manby, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment CEO, and Wang Yonghong, General Manager and Director of the Zhonghong Zhuoye Group Co., Ltd.

The Chinese Zhonghong Zhuoye real estate group recently invested in SeaWorld, and acquired the rights to develop SeaWorld Parks in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Although SeaWorld has agreed not to send orcas to Asia, the company still may send dolphins and other whales. The Zhonghong Zhuoye Group also may acquire orcas from other sources. We must convince SeaWorld and the Zhonghong Zhuoye Group not to imprison marine mammals in any new parks.

People around the world are learning that marine mammals suffer immensely and die prematurely in captivity. "Denied the freedom of the ocean, these intelligent, family-oriented animals float listlessly or swim in circles in small, barren concrete tanks," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk commented.

As an animal lover, I am horrified by the suffering of captive orcas and other marine mammals. There are numerous accounts of these magnificent creatures chewing on the concrete sides of their tanks, banging their heads against metal gates, and showing unnaturally violent and even psychotic behavior. In China, there are no federal animal welfare laws. For this reason, the abuse of marine mammals imprisoned in China would likely be even more horrific than that which occurs in other parts of the world.

Please sign this petition urging SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby to prohibit the use of marine mammals in any new parks. This petition will also be delivered to the Zhonghong Zhuoye Group - letting them know that people around the globe will not support parks that abuse marine mammals.

This petition supports the work of numerous animal welfare organizations, including PETA, Sea Shepard Global, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, which have already requested that any new SeaWorld parks not hold animals captive for entertainment purposes.

Dear Mr. Manby, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment CEO, and Mr. Yonghong, General Manager and Director of the Zhonghong Zhuoye Group Co.,

We urge you not to imprison marine mammals in any new SeaWorld parks built in China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan.

Specifically, we request that Mr. Manby prohibit the use of marine mammals in any new parks.

We would also like to inform Mr. Yonghong that people around the globe will not support any parks that hold marine mammals captive for entertainment purposes.

It is widely known that marine mammals suffer immensely and die prematurely in captivity. There are numerous accounts of these magnificent creatures chewing on the concrete sides of their tanks, banging their heads against metal gates, and showing unnaturally violent and even psychotic behavior. In China, there are no federal animal welfare laws. For this reason, the abuse of marine mammals imprisoned in China would likely be even more horrific than that which occurs in other parts of the world.

We urge you to show compassion for animals by allowing them to be free, as nature intended. As has been recommended by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and numerous other animal welfare organizations, we urge you to feature innovative attractions that do not include the use of animals in your new parks.

Thank you for your consideration.

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