Bring 9/11 Attackers to Justice in the American Legal System

  • por:
  • destinatário: United States Congress
Attorney General Eric Holder has long said that the best, most legally sound way to bring those responsible for the September 11th attacks to justice is through a trial in the United States justice system.

Alarmingly, he has now decided instead to hold the trials at a military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay.

The decision was not made out of the Holder's best judgement, nor does it align with President Obama's goals to bring more transparency and legitimacy to the issues surrounding Guantanamo Bay. Instead, it's Congress petulantly putting up restriction after restriction that's keeping those responsible for the 9/11 attacks from being brought to real justice.

Representatives looking to score cheap political points have created red tape that has forced the trial's change of location. The proceedings will now almost certainly be tainted by the baggage of Guantanamo Bay's history and questionably legal military tribunals.

These trials could be a powerful forum to show the world that America does not compromise its values in the face of terrorism. We can't let politics get in the way of good judgement and a strong legal system. Tell Congress to remove the red tape keeping the 9/11 conspirators from being brought to justice in the American legal system.
Attorney General Eric Holder has long said that the best, most legally sound way to bring those responsible for the September 11th attacks to justice is through a trial in the United States justice system. Unfortunately, Congress has made it essentially impossible for this to happen. As Attorney General Holder said, the restrictions preventing this trial could have a grave impact our National Security and on counterterrorism efforts.

The roadblocks and red tape Congress has put up to keep these trials from happening will seriously harm the legitimacy of the trials. The last thing we need is the taint of Guantanamo Bay or potentially unjust military tribunals putting an asterisk on the results of these trials.

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We must show the world that our justice system is strong, and that America does not compromise its values in the face of terrorism. Please, remove the red tape keeping the 9/11 conspirators from being brought to justice in the American legal system.
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