Tell Congress to Save Our Science!

NASA's Science program -- including Planetary Science -- is slated for drastic cuts in the proposed U.S. budget for fiscal year 2013. NASA will be forced to back out of planned missions to Mars with the European Space Agency in 2016 and 2018. Any future flagship missions to the outer planets will be gone. NASA's proud tradition of planetary discovery will be devastated.

Congress is now considering this proposed budget, but there is still time to restore the needed 30% of NASA's budget to the Science program and prevent these destructive cuts.

Join Bill Nye and The Planetary Society in taking action today by sending a message to your Congressional representatives: Save Our Science to keep NASA's crucial discoveries coming!
NASA's proud tradition of planetary exploration is gravely threatened by the proposed cuts to the space agency's budget for fiscal year 2013.

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If NASA's reduced Science program budget stands, Mars exploration will be devastated. Flagship missions to the outer planets will become relics of the past. One of the most scientifically productive endeavors of today will face a diminished future.

The United States will be giving up its leadership in the search for life on other worlds. Today's youth will lose the inspiration that space exploration provides to tackle the challenging studies of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. And space science will lose this generation's brightest minds to other fields.

No other country or agency can do what NASA can. If this budget is allowed to stand, the United States will walk away from decades of greatness in space science and exploration.

I urge you to allocate a full 30% of NASA's total funding for the Science program, including Planetary Science, in the fiscal year 2013 budget. Please keep scientific exploration alive.

Thank you.


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