Protect the Flat-tailed Horned Lizard

  • por:
  • destinatário: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Time is running out for the flat-tailed horned lizard.

Flat-tailed horned lizards are suffering due to the expansion of human development. Our growth is taking over the habitats of these animals, causing a major struggle for survival. For over 15 years now, the decline of this species has been a concern, yet no major change has been made.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has reopened this case for discussion and reinstated the proposed rule to list the flat-tailed horned lizard as threatened Under the Endangered Species Act. In the past, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not taken the next step in listing this animal.

Previous petitions and actions have helped to re-open the case, yet further action is needed to secure the protection of these lizards. Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the flat-tailed horned lizard by listing it as endangered species -- before it is too late for them.

Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife,

The flat-tailed horned lizard is in trouble, which is no surprise, considering this lizard has seen diminishing numbers in population and habitats for over 15 years now. Our constant urban development in the natural environment of this lizard is conflicting with their survival and expansion. Although the issue has been presented several times, you have yet to list the flat-tailed horned lizard as threatened.

Now that this issue is being re-examined, we would like to stress how important it is that this lizard be protected by the Endangered Species Act. More and more habitats are being destroyed, leaving them with no safe environment, and causing a small survival rate.

We must not continue to allow our growth to destroy our natural wildlife and eliminate this creature. Please ensure that something will be done to protect the flat-tailed horned lizard and it's habitat while we still can.

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