Save a Michigan Bear's Life

  • por:
  • destinatário: Michigan State Governor Jennifer Granholm

On October 9, three bear cubs climbed up a tree and started biting hunter, Chad Fortune. After fighting the cubs off, the mother bear got involved and mauled Fortune. Now, wildlife officials plan to catch and euthanize the mother.

This mother bear acted out in order to protect her young from a hunter who entered their territory and posed a threat to the bear family.

Several officials feel the bears had recently been fed by people, causing them to approach Fortune in search of food -- reminding us that feeding or interacting with wildlife can lead to tragic events.

It is unfortunate that someone was hurt, but Fortune did survive the attack -- the mother bear however, may not. Sign this petition to prevent officials from killing this mother bear.

Governor Granholm,

The tragic situation involving a mother bear and Chad fortune reminds us how important wildlife safety is.

A mother bear acted out to protect her cubs after Fortune defended himself from them. To a mother bear, it looked as though this man was harming her children.

We must remember that when entering the wild, home of several different animals, we must be cautious not to interact with or feed the wild, because this can trigger an altercation between man and wildlife.

A poll on indicates an overwhelming 87% of people believe the mother cub should not be euthanized. Please take these votes into consideration, and give this mother bear another chance at life.
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