Tell Lawmakers in Olympia: Workers like Christina Shouldn’t Be Forced To Leave Careers to Take Care of Loved Ones! Do Not Take Away Workers’ WA Cares Benefits

After her 63-year-old mother suffered an unexpected stroke, Christina experienced what it was like to become a full-time caregiver to a loved one. She was shocked to learn that her mom's private health insurance would not cover long-term care services like help with dressing, bathing, and meals. 

Christina quit her job to take care of her mother, joining the 800,000 unpaid caregivers in Washington state. 

The WA Cares Fund benefits all workers, so people like Christina avoid having to sacrifice a career or savings to help their loved ones. WA Cares solves a real problem since Medicare and private health insurance do not cover long term care. 

But now anti-worker interests just filed an initiative to the legislature to take away WA Cares benefits soon available to 3 million working Washingtonians.

WA Cares is a long-term care fund that benefits all workers. By taking a little out of our paychecks now, WA Cares will be there when we need it

Tell your lawmakers in Olympia – workers cannot afford to lose WA Cares.

Do not take away workers' WA Cares benefits. 

Anti-worker interests are pushing an initiative to the legislature to take away $36,500 in WA Cares benefits soon available to all working Washingtonians.

The long-term care coverage crisis impacts the vast majority of working Washingtonians. Many of us have pre-existing conditions that would disqualify us from expensive private long-term care insurance. 

Others are unpaid caregivers struggling to balance work and caring for a family member. 

Most of us  – 70% – will need help with meals, moving around, or using the bathroom at some point in our lives.

Finding the means to pay for that care is extremely challenging, putting enormous pressure on families and taxpayer-funded Medicaid. 

WA Cares will take pressure off families by providing workers with a fund to pay for care when we need it most.

We call on you to oppose taking away workers' WA Cares benefits.

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