Tell Wayne State University: Stop Experimenting on Dogs

Right now, dogs are suffering and dying needlessly from painful heart failure experiments at Wayne State University. They need our help!  

The poor dogs are implanted with medical devices and then forced to run on treadmills while heart failure is artificially induced.  Many dogs die during the experiments — but if not, they're killed a few months later when they're no longer "useful" to researchers.

Innocent dogs don't deserve to suffer and die like this! Please help stop this cruelty by taking action now.

Sign the petition to the President of Wayne State University.  Urge him to stop these outrageous dog experiments now!


Dear M. Roy Wilson, M.D., President of Wayne State University,

Please halt the cruel and unnecessary heart failure experiments being conducted at your university. These experiments haven’t led to any benefits to people, and are killing innocent dogs in the process.  I urge you to switch to more effective, animal-free, human-based studies.  As the president of Wayne State University, the fate of these animals is in your hands.  Please act wisely and compassionately —stop experimenting on dogs!

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